The Final Sprint IS OVER!

Yes, it’s over.

No, I haven’t finished University yet, but at least I can say I have actually put an end to my third year. I had my last exam (Web, Data and Services On The Web) on the 26th May. I am currently in Rome, eating, eating, eating and trying to figure out what I want to achieve in the next three months.

I’ll be back in Manchester on the 3rd of June, mainly because I am going to Pangaea, one of the biggest students festivals in UK, and partially because I’ll start my Summer Internship, as a Software Engineer, on the 8th of June at CANDDI.

I still haven’t blogged about my third year project, I know, and I apologise for that. This is something that will come up in the next weeks. At the moment, I have started reading again. In the past six days I finished:

  • How to win at the sport of Business by Mark Cuban
  • How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie

I recommend both, in particular the second one, which, in my case, showed me some pretty serious problems I could have solved in a much easier way.

I am currently reading “Hackers and Painters” by Paul Graham, who’s probably the most relevant figure in the modern startup scene in Silicon Valley or at least someone who knows what he’s talking about (at least when he talks startupish).

The next few steps for me are:

  • learning iOS to build CANDDI’s first iPhone App.
  • reading 10 books over the summer (or more).
  • finishing my super-secret app, which I hope to release in September on both iPhone and Android.
  • trying to find a few customers (yes, I can freelance, if interested drop me a message).
  • getting to know anyone in Manchester who’s doing startups.
  • trying to pretend to go to the gym.

I somehow managed to re-brand my Twitter account, which I hadn’t used in a while, so just follow me @edoardomoreni, if you think my blog posts are hilarious (I think they are).

Speak to you soon,

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