Search Results for: #Chemengcatchup

#ChemEngCatchUp Episode 1 – Dr James Winterburn
Yeah, so I think the way I kind of got into engineering, and becoming an academic in chemical engineering, involved a lot of luck. Some conscious decisions as well, but really it was sort of a random path that ended up in the right place. I think I’m in the right place for me, and that’s because what I always had was curiosity.

#ChemEngCatchUp Episode 10 – Emily Cooksey
All of those things make it quite harmful to the environment. So as with a lot of other technologies at the moment, we’re trying to find cleaner ways of doing things. So my research is based on a cleaner way of cleaning our waste water.

#ChemEngCatchUp Episode 11 – Dr Vahid Niasar
If I was going to be really honest I’d say that, from childhood, I was inspired by my uncle. My uncle is a civil engineer. He’s working in different disciplines but the major discipline is in the hydro powers and electricity, these types of thing. But by education he was a civil engineer.

#ChemEngCatchUp Episode 12 – Dr Rosa Cuellar Franca
Well nowadays consumers are more aware of the sustainability impacts of their activities, what we call the environmental footprint. So through my research I’m contributing towards making our consumption habits more sustainable. And also, informing the public how small changes can make a big impact, a big difference, to the whole environment.

#ChemEngCatchUp Episode 13 – Prof Kostas Theodoropoulos
It’s a place of global interest, it attracts the best people from all over the world, and that’s the first thing you need to drive your research forward. So, it’s very important.

#ChemEngCatchUp Episode 14 – Dr Philip Martin
And on top of that there’s the MECD project, where we’re bringing the engineering schools together. It’s really quite an exciting period in the development of the University and I’m really looking forward to being involved and working in that building.

#ChemEngCatchUp Episode 2 – Dr Thomas Vetter
In that area, of course, when I do a good job, or when the industry takes up my research, then it leads to price reductions or time to market reductions. So that means that pharmaceuticals might be available faster or might be cheaper. And that, of course, is highly beneficial to the general public. I would say in any Western state, but also, specifically the UK.

#ChemEngCatchUp Episode 3 – Professor Aline Miller
So we take our inspiration from natural materials, from shells, from how bananas organise when they grow, for example. And then we will actually design molecules, and look at how molecules interact with each other, and design them so that they pack and structure in a highly efficient and well organised way.

#ChemEngCatchUp Episode 5 – Adil Farooq
Chemical Engineering is a very diverse course so you get people from all over the world – different languages, different cultures – a lot of whom I’m still in touch with right now. And I made some really great friends who are now some of the best friends that I’ve ever had.

#ChemEngCatchUp Episode 6 – Ximena Schmidt
Well I’m a Research Associate, also known as a PDRA. It’s a really special position within the universities because almost all of us are attached to different projects. So although we are part of the University, we are basically just linked with that one project.