Welcome to Maths 7th March 2016
Exam season, without a doubt, is one of the most stressful periods of University life! It is physically and mentally exhausting, even if you’re the most organised person in the world! But, having said that, it’s not a challenge one can’t overcome!
Especially if you’re at the University of Manchester, where everyone is so lovely and you genuinely feel like you’re at home! Well, of course, I can only speak for myself and that’s EXACTLY what got me through.
It was during exam season whilst I was procrastinating where I stumbled across the student blogs and having read them all, I was so inspired to start my own! – So here I am! (:
I hope to share a few of my study tips with you all, whilst giving you an insight in to life of a maths student who LIVES in ATB (Alan Turing Building) 😀 Okay, not literally, but if you do see me around, don’t hesitate to say hello! 😀
Sometimes, I wonder how ideal it would be to have an office, but unfortunately only Academics/ PhD students have that privilege I believe! It seems like I have a long way to go before my dream comes true! For now, the focus is on excelling in my undergraduate studies! 😀
I am thoroughly enjoying my time at University! It has been the most amazing experience, I have met some incredible people and learnt the most valuable lessons and I would not have it any other way! To think that my undergraduate studies will be over in one and a half years is rather sad! I want to stay at University forever!
Anyway, since I have recently overcome the challenge of semester one exams, it only seems right to share a few tips with you all:
- Firstly, ORGANISATION is key! If you’re organised, I feel as though it psychologically prepares you. Exams are stressful enough, you don’t want to be spending unnecessary time stressing over an unorganised file, missing stationary, or incomplete notes!
- Throughout the semester, make sure you are making use of ALL the resources available to you! Attempt every single example sheet BEFORE the tutorial and make use of your time in the tutorial to get your questions answered. Lecturers stress this ALL the time!! It only took me a year to realise just how important this is! :p
- It’s also important to bear in mind something my lecturer once mentioned: “When the aim of studying is to develop a deeper understanding, passing exams will become easy!” Try and get in to this mind set because it REALLY helps! I can not stress just how much of an impact this simple statement had on me! It has really given me a sense of direction with my Maths degree!
- Do NOT become complacent after experiencing mid terms! The end of semester exams are much harder and are worth a lot more! You may be able to master the whole of probability one day before the midterm, but you will certainly not be able to apply this approach to the end of semester exam, unless you’re a natural of course!
- Also, past papers are the best source of revision! Familiarise yourself with the content, attempt all the example sheets and then attempt the past papers! Usually, lecturers don’t publish mark schemes, but that’s where WhatsApp groups are useful for comparing solutions!
- And finally, keep hydrated, eat plenty of dessert, and try your best! Because really, that’s all that matters in the end!
Our scripts have probably been marked and whilst we wait nervously for our results, the focus now is on choosing the right modules.
I hope you enjoyed this post and found it beneficial. In my next post, I aim to shed light on some of the amazing people I have met, how I’m trying to implement the lessons I learnt from Semester 1 to make semester 2 as successful as possible and how I’m getting on with my new modules!! 😀