Fukushima: Five Years of Media Frenzy
Our partners 27th July 2016
It is just over five years since the Fukushima Diiachi explosion, caused by the impact of the earthquake derived tsunami that devastated the east coast of Japan, on March 11th, 2011 and a question was posed to me with regards to reflecting on how the media responded to the disaster. After having a very quick search through a rather well known internet search engine it appears that: shock and horror! Accusations of the media being guilty of over- sensationalising stories are present! Front page, bad pun- headlines at the ready!
Well, actually, I think not.
I think I will refrain from allowing my jaw to proverbially plummet to the floor quite yet and instead roll my eyes and respond with: “Yes. And…?” And I know I am not alone in that response. Whether the media sometimes behaves in an ethical way or not, is not the point here. The point is that we all know that it happens and the nuclear industry knows that this happens. All. Too. Well.