Student Profile – MSc Renewable Energy and Clean Technology
Student experience 25th June 2020
S M Azharul Islam is currently studying for an MSc in Renewable Energy and Clean Technology. In this post he talks about the content of the MSc and his experiences of studying during the Covid-19 outbreak.
”I graduated with an undergraduate degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology and then began working as a civil servant with future ambitions of working within my country’s energy sector. I want to contribute to Energy Policymaking, which was the main motivation for my choosing this programme.
One of the things I enjoyed most about this course was the sheer diversity of the topics regarding different Renewable Energy sources and their applications.
The way the course is structured makes it truly unique; it’s extremely useful in providing students with solid engineering foundations and introducing the different possible future solutions.
We incorporate ideas around Global Energy Concerns, the necessity of Carbon Reduction and the possible guidelines and policy along with the theoretical and practical engineering aspects of power generation from Solar, Wind, Tidal and Wave energy.
The Introduction to Power Systems, Interfacing clean energy systems and Smart Grid Technologies Units enable the students to apply and optimize their knowledge in a practical field.
The Zero Carbon Build Infrastructure unit provides the students with the practical solutions for managing energy demand through infrastructure design and planning and the Techniques for Research and Industry Unit introduces real-life project preparation, planning and risk management, considering both technical and business aspects.
The University, the departments of EEE and MACE and especially the REaCT unit leaders have all done a terrific job in terms of online learning assistance during the Covid-19 pandemic. The structured and systematic organization of course materials have helped the students learning and engagement with the course, remotely. The supervisors, along with the course staff dealt with this crisis in a highly professional way, maintaining contact with the students and finding the best solutions in a variety of very difficult circumstances.
The University’s online library and tools provided the necessary support for us throughout the course. Although the opportunity of physically studying on campus including accessing the Learning Commons and Libraries directly were sadly missed due to the unavoidable circumstances, we felt that we were still presented with a fantastic opportunity to engage with extraordinary teachers and researchers who afforded us the full scope of learning.
The diversity of student nationality and background also provided great opportunities for us to exchange knowledge and ideas with our peers.”
Clean TechnologyElectrical and Electronic EngineeringMScPGTRenewable EnergyStudent
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