Optical Distributed Sensor Interogator (ODiSI)
Luna’s Optical Distributed Sensor Interrogator (ODiSI) instrument saves time and cost while adding a new dimension to sensing measurements with its unprecedented spatial resolution. Using swept-wavelength interferometry, the ODiSI interrogates thousands of sensing locations on a single optical fiber simultaneously. Reduce cost and better characterize your system by instrumenting many sensing locations with a single, inexpensive optical fiber.With sensors suitable for surface bonding or embedding in composites, this technology can accomplish your objectives either by direct integration during manufacturing or later installation.
Acoustic Emission (AE) system
The Micro-II is an industrial chassis built to enable powerful AE testing capabilities in a compact form factor. Its 4 PCI slots allow it to hold up to 32 AE channels, using Physical Acoustics’ PCI-8 AE boards. It has been designed to operate either as a benchtop system via direct connection to a monitor, keyboard, and mouse, or as a remote system controlled by a notebook computer over its Gigabit Ethernet interface. The Micro-II includes all of the features of a standard PC, including a low-power CPU, USB ports and network connectivity, as well as specialized features such as integrated AE Hit LEDs, and optional audio output capability for AE monitoring using sound feedback. The chassis offers convenient portability, weighing in at less than 20 lbs., even when fully loaded with 4 AE boards. Its rugged industrial design helps to ensure reliable operation out in the field.
Guided Lamb wave (GLW) system
The Guided Lamb waves (GLW) system is composed of a National Instrument PXIe-1082 Chassis with a controler, a digitiser, an arbitrary function generator, and a multiplexer. Moreover, the system is completed with a linear amplifier x400 from Ciprian. This Guided Lamb wave system is used with various piezoelectric wafer active sensors (PWAS) for active detection of defects in composite structures. This system is controlled by a labview system to detect, locate and quantify defects.
Fibre Bragg Grating (FBG) system
The sm125 is a compact, industrial grade, static optical sensor interrogation module, field proven for robust, reliable, and long term field operation. Built upon the Micron Optics x25 optical interrogator core, the sm125 Optical Sensing Interrogator features a high power, low noise swept wavelength laser, realized with Micron Optics patented Fiber Fabry-Perot Tunable Filter technology. The x25 interrogator core employs full spectral scanning and data acquisition, providing measurements with high absolute accuracy, high dynamic range performance and flexible software post-processing. The x25 based interrogators support continuous on-board NIST traceable wavelength reference components and are ideally suited to measure many different optical sensor types, including FBGs, long period gratings, extrinsic Fabry-Perot sensors, and many others.
Electrical conductivity system
Keithley 6220 current source, 6514 Electrometer and 2000 multimeter. Resistivity and conductivity type are fundamental properties of semiconductors and are critical parameters in materials research.Measuring the resistivity of high resistance samples often requires using four isolated probes and the van der Pauw measurement technique. However, if the four-point probe head has very good isolation between the probes, then these measurements may be achievable. This measurement also requires sourcing current with high output impedance and making differential voltage measurements.