Manchester’s most important brain
The University of Manchester has an impressive track record when it comes to computer science. After all, this is where the world’s first stored-program computer, Baby, was created. And in the year that Baby turns 70, our scientists have given birth to yet another marvel of computing. Last week, the one-millionth processor core of this […]

How X Files studies give students the X Factor
How long will it take to find a job after graduating university – and are we alone in the universe? Two huge questions that no doubt every student asks – and we may have the answers! The University College for Interdisciplinary Learning (UCIL) is offering undergraduates the chance to learn different skills and disciplines to […]

Walk this way… through the security scanners
Ever felt like you need a new walk? One that makes you look more confident, successful or just plain cool? Well you don’t have to be a member of Monty Python’s Ministry of Silly Walks to move with a gait that’s completely unique to you. No matter how subtle, there is a clear difference between […]