Pathway Profile: Energy and Resources
Welcome to EES 29th July 2019
Dr Stefan Schröder spoke to us about the Energy and Resources Pathway within our undergraduate Earth and Planetary Sciences degree.
Earth’s energy and resources have shaped human development and societies for millennia, and will continue to do so. Our society needs energy sources such as uranium or geothermal energy, critical metals for high-tech materials in renewable energy installations, and of course groundwater. Carbon dioxide can be captured and stored underground to help combat climate change. Resource demands and economics need to be balanced against sustainable development and the protection of key resources. The Energy and Resources pathway therefore covers a diverse field with professional and academic career opportunities for students with creative minds to solve the problems of resource identification, extraction and preservation.
The Energy and Resources pathway is an excellent preparation for such a career. You will study processes of energy and resource formation, and how they tie in with the Earth’s structure. You will gain an appreciation for methods of sustainable and efficient resource extraction, and develop a thorough understanding how energy and resource extraction affect sustainability and economics on our planet. In your third year you will carry out an independent research project in any area of Energy and Resources, collecting your own data in the field and analysing them in our world-class computer and analytical facilities.
Earth and Planetary ScienceenergyEnergy and Resources Pathwayrenewable energyresourcessustainabilityundergraduate study
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