Welcome to Physics
Find out about the Department of Physics and Astronomy’s facilities, history, teaching and research.
Welcome to Physics 2nd October 2020
Video talk. Cosmologist Professor Sarah Bridle explains how she went from looking for dark matter to researching the carbon footprint of our meals.
Welcome to Physics 2nd October 2020
Video talk. Professor Andrew Pilkington discusses the Higgs boson and the standard model of particle physics.
Welcome to Physics 22nd September 2020
Video talk. Particle physicist Dr Marco Gersabeck discusses one of the biggest mysteries around the Big Bang: why are we living in a Universe of matter, which seems all but devoid of antimatter?
Welcome to Physics 16th September 2020
What can our new first year students expect when they join us this month? First Year Tutor Dr Draga Pihler-Puzovic looks at plans for teaching.
Welcome to Physics 10th September 2020
Video talk: astrophysicist Dr Eamonn Kerins explains his research on exoplanets. How do scientists find planets outside our solar system? And how do they know if those planets are like Earth?
Meet the Department 13th August 2020
Got questions about applying for one of our physics courses? Admissions Tutor Prof David Binks shares some answers.
Welcome to Physics 13th August 2020
Find out about the physics students volunteering in our local communities, and the opportunities to get involved.