
Albert Einstein at The University of Manchester
Schuster Colloquium 26th October 2021
100 years ago, on 9 June 1921, The University of Manchester hosted renowned theoretical physicist Albert Einstein. Einstein had been touring the USA to raise funds for the proposed Hebrew University of Jerusalem, along with Chaim Weizmann, then a member of staff in the Department of Chemistry. His visit to Manchester and the University was […]

AI for Astronomy
Meet the Department 21st October 2021
This week’s blog comes from Alexandra Bonta and Devina Mohan, MSc students working with Professor Anna Scaife on Bayesian deep learning for classification of pulsars and radio galaxies, and follows on from our blog post for Ada Lovelace Day. Last week we celebrated Ada Lovelace Day and heard about the scientists who inspire our staff […]

DARA Big Data; Supporting a new generation of African data scientists
Meet the Department 4th May 2021
The DARA Big Data project was born in 2017 out of an identified need for high-level applied data science skills training across the African countries involved in building the SKA (Square Kilometre Array) Telescope. The SKA will be the world’s largest radio telescope when completed and will be hosted by South Africa, which leads a partnership of other African countries, including Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia and Zambia, who will also participate in this world leading scientific facility.

From Physics to Coding and Big Data at Apple with Ellen Leahy
After graduation 25th February 2021
We caught up with Ellen Leahy, who is a great example of how Physics degrees can open doors to a variety of careers. Graduating in 2018, Ellen has since used her studies to enter into the world of coding and big data and is now working at Apple as a Big Data Analyst. Hi Ellen, […]

Student profile: Louisa Mason, first year Physics with Astrophysics
Student experience 13th August 2020
First-year Physics with Astrophysics student Louisa tells us about her favourite area of astrophysics, why she loves the library, and where to get the best coffee on campus…

Your physics admissions questions, answered
Meet the Department 13th August 2020
Got questions about applying for one of our physics courses? Admissions Tutor Prof David Binks shares some answers.

Volunteering for physics students
Welcome to Physics 13th August 2020
Find out about the physics students volunteering in our local communities, and the opportunities to get involved.