8 Clearing myths *debunked* using classic pop culture
Life at UoM Outreach Perspectives UOM life 24th May 2024
This is a judgement free zone. Forget all the rumours you’ve read online, or any videos you’ve binge-watched on your FYP. Ignore whatever horror stories you’ve heard from friends… of friends… (of friends). We’re here to set the record straight about Clearing. Once and for all!
Clearing has got a bad reputation. But times have changed, and we’re here to shed a more nuanced light (with some very credible data from UCAS) to prove that Clearing brings so many opportunities; any other view on that is so, like, early 2000s.
Myth 1: There’s no accommodation left
Quite the opposite. Many universities actually *set aside* accommodation for those who go into Clearing. It’s kind of like being a VIP.
Even if you did struggle to find somewhere you really liked, there are amazing teams at The University of Manchester who can help you secure that first year flat. You know: celebrity, exclusivity, fast-track style, like you deserve.
“You are Beyonce”… “Thank you.”
Myth 2: It’s only for people who didn’t get the grades
Wrong, again! There are loads of reasons people opt for Clearing. People may want to change their course, their institution, dare we say their minds! Statistically, people are taking longer to decide on university, so Clearing is also for those who are just choosing later in the cycle.
By the way, if you didn’t get the grades… this doesn’t define you. We know it can be disappointing, but really, you are so much more than your results! View Clearing not as rejection, but redirection. The journey into university may be slightly different but the end result is the same!
“…Did we not get into the same school, Warner?!”
Myth 3: Everything is manic, stressful, and a free for all
Clearing can be as calm as you want it to be! Sure, the phone lines can get busy. But just like yourself, other students are keen to get a post-results rundown and chat about their options. Your call will be prioritised as much as the next, with one of our friendly team ready to help you out and ease any concerns!
One way to avoid feeling stressed is making sure you’re prepped on Results Day. This could be reading up on the Clearing process (like you are right now!), exploring other unis outside your firm choice, and making a list of top hotline numbers, which you can note down on our handy Clearing guide. Then, it’s just a matter of going through the motions and seeing what other exciting opportunities await you on the other side. Don’t worry, you got this
“I’m not finished… First off you – oh my god, can you let me do what I need to do.”
Myth 4: You get whatever course you’re given, with no control
*Cue Crying Dawson meme*
Who told you this?! Choosing to go to university is still a huge decision, and you absolutely have a say in each step. If we don’t have your desired course, you may want to consider our Integrated Foundation Years, which will allow you to follow the subject you’re passionate about – and we have students who swear by them.
Honestly, you’ll never end up in some high-stakes course lucky dip. Our Clearing hotline pals are there to ensure you get the course that’s really right for you.
Crying Dawson
Myth 5: No one goes through Clearing… like ever…
Whether people have told you or not, the numbers don’t lie. According to UCAS, over 38,000 people got a university place through Clearing in 2023. That amount of people could fill Manchester’s AO Arena, almost twice!
So, chances are, you know someone who has gone through this before. Why not start a conversation with friends or family about it? You could get some really helpful advice from people who’ve experienced it first-hand.
*Spidermen pointing at each other IRL*
Myth 6: *Everyone* will know that you’ve gone through Clearing
In saying that… if you don’t want to tell anyone you’ve gone through Clearing, then how would they know? Most of the time, Clearing students start uni at the same time as their non-Clearing peers! Everyone else will simply be none the wiser.
And, well, if anyone asks you about it, just tell them whatever you’re comfortable with! You are under zero obligations to tell other students about your personal circumstances. It’s also a topic that will be so-far forgotten in the excitement of Freshers Fairs, picking your societies, and exploring your new city, anyway. There will be no Damiens calling you out, rest assured.
“She doesn’t even go here!”
Myth 7: Only ‘bad’ universities go into Clearing
First off, we’re not in the business of trash talking other Higher Education Institutions. But, if you’re under the impression that certain universities go into Clearing, then you’d be mistaken!
It all depends on how many people who applied for the courses, meet the entry requirements. So in theory, no uni is exempt from the possibility of Clearing! This myth is way out of date. You are not going to be compared like-for-like with your peers, this isn’t Dance Moms.
“On the bottom of the pyramid… Paige.”
Myth 8: You absolutely have to stick with your firm choice
The cool thing no one tells you about Clearing is the freedom! Want to change your mind? You absolutely can. It’s quite reassuring knowing that you have other options, no?
There aren’t any rules about changing your mind. A bit of advice, though: don’t be giving up your Firm Choice until you’ve had written confirmation about your Clearing place.
University is a big commitment, but rest assured; if you fancy a full-on course makeover, this decision is still firmly your call.
“Let’s do a makeover!”