Robotics and AI

Why I’m involved in the Women of Science campaign – Laura Leay
My whole life I’ve wanted to be a scientist (except for a brief period in primary school where I wanted to be an au-pair). I’ve always been curious about the world around me; about how things work, how we can improve them; I’ve always had this thirst for knowledge. To me science is just so […]

Robots doing the dirty work
Research impact and institutes
Cleaning up radioactive waste is a dangerous job for a human. That’s why researchers at Manchester are developing robots that could do the job for us. Five years ago, in 2011, a major earthquake and tsunami devastated the east coast of Japan, leading to explosions and subsequent radiation release at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power […]

Encouraging a love of learning and discovery in the European City of Science
Few would dispute that the best time in life to discover and engage with science is during the formative early years. Just think how for many of our greatest innovators, something as simple as experimenting with magnets, water or even sticky tape as a child may have been the catalyst for a lifelong passion and […]