So, the dreaded first post. What can I possibly write here that would make you want to continue reading this blog (or any other blog on this site?). Tough decisions. First impressions count right?

Ok, here we go. What would you like this blog to be about ? Technical hard facts about computer science and what we do here? Some real, student experiences of life at university? Maybe what it feels like to suddenly be independent and responsible for your future? Or some cool photos of stuff that goes down here in Manchester?

One thought comes to mind…


There’s more to university than assignments, lectures, clubs and the occasional random “harlem shake” or a guy in a banana costume invading a lecture theatre. I’ve learnt a whole lot more than I expected to and I would like to translate those experiences into words. In fact, the most useful things you will learn during your time at university are more subtle than you think, and have little to do with coursework (much of which you will never actually benefit from in the real world because things are done differently).

Making decisions, identifying and exploiting opportunities, networking (social not computer networking haha!), putting yourself out there and not being afraid to fail as many times as is necessary before you finally get things right. These are a few of the important skills one can gain from university. If you master them, you won’t just graduate with a degree but also some experience of tackling these challenges and with that, you’ll be able to thrive in the “real world”.

But I digress.

University is also good fun. Really good fun at times.

So to sum up what I wrote here, I aim to blog about my university experiences facing any personal challenges, fun times I had and any tips I have about going about doing things.

I bought a camera recently so I’ll make sure to take some photos to backup my blog posts.

I hope you’ll have some good laughs reading this blog and, maybe, find it somewhat interesting too, that’s my cunning plan.

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