3rd year

The Apprentfest
EEE in the real world 20th December 2015
Another week, and another opportunity. This time, I was invited to join a selection of University of Manchester academics and PHD students at the first of five Entrepreneurial Roadmap Sessions by the University of Manchester Intellectual Property (UMIP) team, hosted by Ian Brookes from DNA People.

Engineering Hero
EEE in the real world 16th December 2015
When I spoke to Jon a few weeks back, he told me that if I provide an exciting product, teachers will come up with a lot of very creative ideas. This week that was proved as I pitched the concept to a group of around 30-40 enthusiastic school teachers.

And Now for Something Completely Different
Student experience 16th November 2015
The last couple of weeks on the project have been completely devoted to the first piece of assessed work, the Progress Report. Including such gems as a Literature Review, Project Plan, and Health and Safety Risk Assessment, this document is a must read. However, as much as I’d love to spend this entry talking about evaluating the severity of exploding electrolytic capacitors, I thought I’d make an effort not to put you to sleep.

Jobs Well Done
Student experience 16th October 2015
“Most people make the mistake of thinking design is what it looks like. People think it’s this veneer – that the designers are handed this box and told, ‘Make it look good!’ That’s not what we think design is. It’s not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” Steve Jobs, 2003

Tweet on a Sheet
Student experience 6th October 2015
Third Year Project. What every EEE student dreams of. A chance to get hands on developing a gadget, a toy, a solution, anything. Take an idea, a dream, and build it. This is why we do engineering.