3rd year
Meet the Department 19th February 2019
Fridah A Masake Bowker is one of our third-year student ambassadors studying MEng in the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Learn about her experiences at Manchester.
Student experience 12th April 2018
During my first year, I asked Professor Trevor York at the end of a lecture, whether one can become a competent engineer if they are not socially conscious. He replied: “If you gain knowledge, you transform yourself. If you apply it for the common good, you transform the world.” As engineers not only we design and build the world but we also shape its socioeconomic future through our cumulative efforts.
Student experience 13th December 2017
Professionals whose careers require a lot of specific and practical knowledge are comparable to magicians. There is no apparent motivation behind their vast knowledge; their methodologies are mysterious to the uninitiated and the sheer involvedness of their projects makes the final result seem nothing short of magical.
Life in EEE 20th May 2016
The last eight months have brought challenge after challenge, but also reward after reward. Every technical hurdle, project deadline, or outreach challenge has resulted in developed skills, an improved product, or at least an unforgettable experience.
EEE in the real world 12th April 2016
An aim for the project has always been to eventually test the data logger in a real classroom. So this week I headed over Seymour Park Community Primary School to meet three Year 4 classes. There were two objectives of the visit, firstly I was challenged to inspire the children about engineering, before letting the […]
Student experience 16th March 2016
It’s finally there! This week, seven months of development finally resulted in a fully functioning completed prototype. Comprising of hardware, software, and mechanical aspects, WILFRED is now a completely usable wireless data logger. HARDWARE Unfortunately, this completion is about a month or two behind schedule. An essential component order being shipped from the US was […]
Student experience 3rd March 2016
Something I’ve always had in mind as an end goal for the project is to produce a full enclosure, completing a fully presentable prototype of the device. Despite being pushed on time; I was able to sacrifice a couple of nights watching TV to design the CAD enclosure. HOW? There’s a couple of options when […]
Student experience 15th February 2016
This week has been a momentous step in the hardware side of the project. After weeks of prototyping the entire system on breadboard (some said this was impossible), the circuit is finally at a finalised stage. Weeks of slight changes, and many factors still to be decided, meant this stage has come a lot later […]
Student experience 13th February 2016
As the sun set on a predictably intense exam period, a new dawn in terms of Third Year Project presented itself. With daily lectures finished by lunch, the new term has already gifted more hours for project time than the whole of semester one combined. And I’m not the only student in this position, with […]
Student experience 1st January 2016
It’s the New Year, which marks the conclusion of the first half of 3rd Year Project. I feel now would be a great time to round off the semester by wrapping up all the successes of the project so far.