Back at uni
Student experience 16th April 2018
Now that Semester Two has started and I’m back into my Uni routine, I’m feeling so pumped! It’s good to be back. There is so much of Uni life I missed while I was home for the holidays, including the rain! Warm weather and sunny skies get old very quickly.
I’m really enjoying my modules this semester. In particular (and I never thought I’d say this), I am finding Statistics refreshing. We are learning to use R software and that has definitely removed the friction that existed in the past between Statistics and me. It is way more fun when you let a computer do the dirty work.
I have to say, though, my favourite module is Calculus and Applications. There is finally some Physics back in my life! I cannot wait to take Physics Module I next year. I never thought I’d miss it but it seems like I do. To compensate, I’ve been listening to The Infinite Monkey Cage on the bus to uni in the mornings. It’s a fun way to wake my brain up before lectures.
Lately, I’ve really been enjoying my language classes as well. When I first started Uni, I wasn’t sure whether I should pursue my interest in languages or let it rest for a while. In the end, I signed up for German lessons with the University and French lessons with the Alliance Française. It definitely adds some work on to my week but since I’m not taking either of them for credit, I manage to keep the overachiever in me in check. Besides, it is just really fun.
In other news, I recently discovered I match the Alan Turing Building. Destiny!

alan turing buildingcomputer programmingR softwarestatisticsVe