
The bone of contention in the evolution of vertebrates
It takes backbone to try and tackle one of the age-old mysteries of the evolution of life, but a researcher at The University of Manchester has proven he’s certainly not too spineless to take on the challenge. Just like close to ten per cent of all life on Earth, we humans are vertebrates – meaning […]

Shitsukan – how we make sense of our material world
The human brain is a miraculous thing. Take a moment to look out of the window at the nearest plant or tree and you immediately know what it is thanks to your brain’s understanding and processing of all the microscopic bits of information you collect through your senses. It’s not only the shape and colour […]

Like a diamond in the sky
‘Twinkle twinkle little star’ could prove itself more science lesson than nursery rhyme thanks to a new discovery. For the first time, diamonds far smaller than grains of sand have been observed shimmering around stars. But this discovery is more a case of A Touch of Frost than Frost of London, as it’s allowed a […]

Magma crystallisation provides scientists with volcanic crystal ball
Volcanos have been around since time on Earth began – and the devastation they can cause has hardly changed in the intervening 4.5 billion years. In the past month alone, untold damage has been wrought by volcanic eruptions – in Hawaii, Indonesia and Guatemala. Of course, it is not possible to prevent volcanoes from erupting […]

Walk this way… through the security scanners
Ever felt like you need a new walk? One that makes you look more confident, successful or just plain cool? Well you don’t have to be a member of Monty Python’s Ministry of Silly Walks to move with a gait that’s completely unique to you. No matter how subtle, there is a clear difference between […]

Ain’t no sunshine when it’s gone
The sun is the great star of human existence in more ways than one. All life on Earth depends on it, and the creation of our very planet would have been impossible without it. You would think, therefore, that when it dies, our iconic star would go out in style. However, until recently, scientists were […]

Inspiring the future women of STEM
Science and engineering is all about coming up with solutions to the great mysteries and challenges of our age. But one of these challenges is proving hard to overcome, and that’s how to encourage more girls to choose a career in these subjects. When children are very young and first begin learning about the world […]

The mega threat to mega-herbivores
The University of Manchester has teamed up with Chester Zoo to fight the potential extinction of some of the planet’s most iconic – and threatened – species. A collaboration between the Zoo and the University will see a £1.1 million investment made in research aimed at protecting the future of creatures like the Eastern Black […]

Postgrads have a hand in future of bionic engineering
A team of postgrads from The University of Manchester have emerged victorious from an international competition, thanks to the creation of a 3D-printed bionic limb. They hope soon to make the design available to the public without charge. What started as (and remains) a final year Mechanical Engineering Master’s project has resulted in Alex Agboola-Dobson […]

Baby bird proves big deal to palaeontologists
A tiny bird that was smaller than your little finger and lived the briefest of lives has proven itself a giant of fossil history. The chick in the picture below may look like a character from a Disney remake of Walking With Dinosaurs, but this little chap has provided us with a valuable insight into […]