electronic engineering

Prometheus Underground: Robotics team solves Network Rail cave puzzle
Research impact and institutes
Discover how a Manchester robotics team drew inspiration from a Hollywood blockbuster to help Network Rail survey the caves and mines around its lines.

The lightning bolt at the heart of Manchester
Tucked away on The University of Manchester’s North Campus, researchers are harnessing lightning – not to bring monsters to life, but to safeguard the future of the UK’s power network.

A bright spark AND a diamond – the HV Lab turns 60
Lightning doesn’t strike twice – unless you happen to be stood in the High Voltage (HV) Lab at The University of Manchester, that is. On Sunday, this institution – officially named the National Grid Power Systems Research Centre – celebrates its Diamond Anniversary. We take a look back at its history and the achievements recorded […]

Shitsukan – how we make sense of our material world
The human brain is a miraculous thing. Take a moment to look out of the window at the nearest plant or tree and you immediately know what it is thanks to your brain’s understanding and processing of all the microscopic bits of information you collect through your senses. It’s not only the shape and colour […]

One small step for man, one giant leap for Manchester
Like the plot of a movie, a team of students from across the Faculty of Science and Engineering have overcome some serious odds to claim victory at an international space probe competition in Texas. The fourth annual American Astronautical Society CanSat Competition took place at Tarleton State University; with a team from The University of […]

Walk this way… through the security scanners
Ever felt like you need a new walk? One that makes you look more confident, successful or just plain cool? Well you don’t have to be a member of Monty Python’s Ministry of Silly Walks to move with a gait that’s completely unique to you. No matter how subtle, there is a clear difference between […]