Women in Environmental Sciences
Research and impact 29th July 2019
Dr Cecilia Medupin convened the Women in Environmental Sciences workshop on 12th of June, 2019, and shared her experience of the event with us.
The second workshop was convened on the 12th of June, 2019. The aims of the meeting were to establish women’s voices in environmental sciences, as part of an interdisciplinary research programme, within the framework of sustainable development goals; encourage & inspire a new generation of women to become environmental science researchers, advocates, activists & practitioners. In the two years of delivery, we had female guest presenters from within and outside academia to present talks that encompass science, social sciences and had breakout sessions and had opportunities to network. Some participants from last year were also present this year. It was a very good event and all the participants/facilitators enjoyed the day (we had participants from Universities across Scotland, Wales, South and North England).
We welcomed more than fifty participants from academia, policy, public and non-governmental organisations. A video of this year’s event can be seen below, linked via the Earth and Environmental Sciences YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auTsMx4vgzQ&t=522s
Women in environmental sciences now has a dedicated JISC mail account which will enable us to share information, adverts and provide an opportunity to exchange ideas on women and on environmental issues. Please encourage other people to sign up. To access JISCmail, subscribe to the link: https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?SUBED1=WIESCIENCES&A=1
You can follow Women in Environmental Sciences on Twitter: @in_sciences
Key outcomes from the first workshop can be found here: http://blog.policy.manchester.ac.uk/posts/2018/10/women-in-environmental-sciences/
Environmental Sciencewomen in environmental sciencewomen in science
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