Studying Chemistry at The University of Manchester
Student experience 18th December 2018
Today we’re talking to Josh, a student in his third year studying Chemistry here at The University of Manchester. He tells us how he’s finding his time in Manchester, and any tips he has for future students.
Hi Josh, first of all can you tell us a bit about yourself?
I’m Josh, I’m a (slightly) mature student at the age of 25, and I’m in my third year of Chemistry here at Manchester. I’m from Burnley in the north of England, not too far away from Manchester. I decided to study at university after a few years out from education, and Manchester was pretty much the only place I wanted to do it! When I’m not studying I enjoy playing sport, particularly cricket and golf. As well as that I enjoy reading, cooking and playing video games. I love studying Chemistry here at Manchester; it’s a very demanding degree but if you put the work in it can be a very rewarding one. I hope to put my degree to direct use in my future career…which I haven’t quite figured out yet!
Can you tell us about your course? What is the best thing about it?
I am about to start the final year of the BSc Chemistry program, and I must admit I’ve loved every minute so far. The content can be tough, and the workload is certainly demanding, but the teaching is excellent and the university itself is a wonderful place to study. If I had to choose one thing as the best, then for me it would be the fact that the teachers here are field-leading experts, actively engaged in some of the most cutting-edge research taking place in chemistry right now. For example, in just two years, I have already had the privilege of being lectured by no fewer than four fellows of the RSC!
How is the School of Chemistry helping you through your studies?
The school helps its students in loads of different ways, meaning there will always be assistance for you if and when you need it. There is academic support with tutorials, workshops and PASS; there is also pastoral and well-being support, along with a really active careers/employability team who are always advertising fantastic opportunities. I personally am just returning from a three month placement with Unilever, which I found about at a UoM organised event!
What about the facilities? What do you use as part of your course?
The most obvious thing when it comes to facilities would have to be the labs. They are full of all kinds of equipment, from nifty glassware and fume-hoods to state-of-the-art spectrometers and other analytical machines. Besides the labs, I have also personally benefited immensely from the library facilities. Not only do you have literally millions of books available to you, but the modern and comfortable study spaces all around campus mean you can always sit down and do some work. I’m particularly fond of the Alan Gilbert Learning Commons (Ali G, for short), not least because it stays open 24/7!
Do you have any tips for anyone thinking about going to university or studying chemistry?
I would say that Manchester is a wonderful place to study chemistry. It has a remarkable history of doing and teaching science, especially chemistry, and its reputation is as high now as ever. What I would say to prospective students is do not worry if you don’t have your entire academic future planned out before you get here. It is not necessary to know at this stage which branch, or even sub-branch or sub-sub-branch you want to spend the rest of your life specialising in! If you enjoy chemistry, and have that spark of interest in science and learning more generally, you will do great here, and the opportunities and facilities available will help you figure out the rest!
We’ll be back with another post after the Christmas break, so for now, Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
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