Search Results for: #MondayMaterials

#MondayMaterials Episode 1 – Dr Aravind Vijayaraghavan
Hello everyone, and welcome to the first episode of #MondayMaterials. Once a fortnight, on a Monday (obviously), I’ll be chatting with one of the many people that make the School of Materials such a great place to be. It might be a professor, a researcher, a student, an alumnus, or a member of the admin […]

#MondayMaterials Episode 10 – Rachel Parker-Strak
So today the #MondayMaterials series hits double figures. What better place to do that than with Rachel Parker-Strak, a lecturer and part time PhD student in the Design, Fashion, and Business area of the School. I first met Rachel while attending one of the School’s Discover Days. These sessions offer A-level students the opportunity to […]

#MondayMaterials Episode 11 – Professor Stuart Lyon
Welcome back, everyone – and thanks for continuing to follow the series. I was introduced to this week’s interviewee by Delia Vazquez, a previous #MondayMaterials star. In fact, she introduced me to a whole host of people during a recent School of Materials coffee morning, so you can expect to hear this story again and […]

#MondayMaterials Episode 12 – Dr Christopher Blanford
I first came across Dr Christopher Blanford’s name a few years ago. I worked for the Faculty of Life Sciences in my previous role at the University, and in that role I used to help look after the Manchester Institute of Biotechnology’s website. Christopher is a research group leader within that institute, and I clearly remember […]

#MondayMaterials Episode 13 – Dr Patsy Perry
I was only about a month into my role here when I first met Dr Patsy Perry at the Design, Fashion, and Business Degree show. She was introduced to me as someone I should definitely talk to about my plan’s for the School’s digital media, someone who would have a very useful insight, and someone who, on […]

#MondayMaterials Episode 14 – Professor Constantinos Soutis
Hello all – and welcome to the final #MondayMaterials of 2015! Yes, I know there’s a few Mondays left in the year yet, but after 14 excellent episodes I figured the series deserves a Christmas break. Don’t worry, though, we’re ending on a high point. Professor Constantinos Soutis (Costas) is a Professor of Aerospace Engineering, […]

#MondayMaterials Episode 15 – Sobia Khan
So I’m looking at all these different types of strategies that retailers are using for product presentation, but I’m looking at it more specifically within a mobile context. More consumers are going shopping using their mobile phones, so we think that, you know, technology needs to improve on that front.

#MondayMaterials Episode 16 – Dr Sarah Haigh
Can you believe it? Episode 16 of #MondayMaterials is here already! And after fifteen previous episodes, I finally get the chance to talk to Dr Sarah Haigh, somebody who was recommended to me by our Episode 1 interviewee. It took a while to get this interview into both our calendars, but I can tell you […]