
The Project Review: Catalysis Hub
Research and impact 14th January 2019
The catalysis Hub is a UK wide research centre involving over 40 universities and over 200 academics, undertaking joint research in all areas of catalysis; stretching from fundamentals, to applications and engineering solutions. In addition, the interaction with industry is of real importance.

Get to know your Academics – James Winterburn
Meet the Department 13th December 2018
James Winterburn tells us what sparked his interest in industrial biotechnology and fermentation processes.

Get to know your Academics – Arthur Garforth
Meet the Department 26th November 2018
Arthur Garforth explains what inspired him to become a chemical engineer.

Industrial Experience Insight – Eugene Khor
Chemical engineers at work 6th November 2018
Eugene Khor looks back at his industrial placement at Valero Energy – the world’s largest independent oil refiner.

Introducing Samuel Peckett
Student experience 3rd December 2015
I chose this course due to a love of science. The variety I previously mentioned is hard to find on other courses and allows me to apply a real mix of knowledge, with maths and physics as the main topics but chemistry and even biology also being studied.