Meet the Department
Read interviews with our current academics and profiles of our Chemical Engineers both past and present to discover more about the heritage and diversity of the Department.

Amy’s experience as a MEng Chemical Engineering student
Meet the Department 21st May 2021
In her guest blog, Amy tells us about her experiences as a fourth year MEng Chemical Engineering student at Manchester.

Meet the staff who are here to support your learning and student experience
Meet the Department 27th August 2020
Getting to know the staff who will look after you, a new student in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science, is a key part of becoming part of our student community.

Social responsibility awards 2020 🏆 : Celebrating the best of CE
Meet the Department 3rd August 2020
On the 16th July, we held our annual (but first virtual) Social Responsibility Awards, recognising the commitment of staff and students to helping others through charity work, environmental research, and well-being.

Professor Robin Smith talks process integration and the future of chemical engineering
Meet the Department 30th July 2020
Professor Robin Smith is Director of the Centre for Process Integration in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science. He shares his thoughts on the industry and challenges for the future.

Meet your undergrad academics!
Meet the Department 21st July 2020
We introduce the academic staff who are responsible for shaping your undergraduate experience and introductory study into Chemical Engineering.

Vincenzo Spallina on GLAMOUR
Meet the Department 8th June 2020
To celebrate the commencement of the new H2020 funded GLAMOUR project, we spoke to the project’s PI, Vincenzo Spallina, in order to find out more about this project: Congratulations on being awarded a €5 million grant from the European Union’s (EU) Horizon 2020 programme, can you tell us about what the grant will be used […]

A Digital Interview with: Professor Arthur Garforth
Chemical engineers at work 18th May 2020
Digital Interview with Professor Arthur Garforth (Professor of Catalysis, Honorary Head of Teaching). Inaugural lecture, NHS Plastic Use and projects on Mars. Congratulations on achieving your Professorship, what does being able to present an inaugural lecture mean to you? Thank you absolutely delighted – firstly the thought of having to give an inaugural (lecture) was […]

Staff highlight: Adisa Azapagic awarded MBE for sustainability and carbon footprinting work
Meet the Department 6th May 2020
Adisa Azapagic, a Professor of Sustainable Chemical Engineering, has been awarded an MBE for sustainability and carbon footprinting work.

The Research Abstract – Prof Adisa Azapagic
Meet the Department 19th July 2019
The first in a new series where academics share their latest research. In this post, we talk to Prof Adisa Azapagic about her research into Sustainable Industrial Systems.

Get to know your academics… Rosa Cuellar-Franca
Meet the Department 1st April 2019
We catch up with Rosa Cuellar-Franca and find out about her work in the environmental and economic assessment of industrial processes.