Student experience 12th April 2018
During my first year, I asked Professor Trevor York at the end of a lecture, whether one can become a competent engineer if they are not socially conscious. He replied: “If you gain knowledge, you transform yourself. If you apply it for the common good, you transform the world.” As engineers not only we design and build the world but we also shape its socioeconomic future through our cumulative efforts.
Life in EEE 20th March 2018
Timothy is currently pursuing a one year course of MSc in Electrical Power Engineering (EPSE). He has nine years’ experience of working with energy utility company and has returned to postgraduate study for further his personal development. Timothy recently attended a study trip to Electric Mountain in Snowdonia and talks about his experience here.
Life in EEE 20th March 2018
Eleanor Kajuba is pursuing an MSc in Electrical Power Systems Engineering at The University of Manchester. Eleanor recently attended a study trip to Electric Mountain in Snowdonia and talks about her experience here.
Meet the Department 13th March 2018
Danielle George believes she was destined to become a scientist because as a child she constantly asked ‘why’. It’s a curiosity that has led to a successful career in engineering, a professorship at the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and an MBE.
Student experience 6th March 2018
The first time I encountered formula student was during welcome week. They had what looked like a go-kart race car placed right in the middle of the Sackville Street Building entrance hall.
Meet the Department 20th February 2018
Prof Patrick Gaydecki teaches the third year Digital Signal Processing unit, which is a compulsory unit in the Electronic Engineering stream. Get to know him here.
EEE in the real world 16th February 2018
Roberta is an international student at the University of Manchester studying Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Roberta is currently studying her Industrial Experience Year with Arup, an engineering and design consultancy firm in London.
Student experience 13th February 2018
The Institution of Engineering and Technology’s Engineering Horizons Bursary offers long-term financial support to 75 engineering students and apprentices in the UK.
Jessica Paterson and Mehdi Kolahi – both Electrical and Electronic Engineering students – celebrated their success after receiving an Engineering Horizons Bursary from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET).
Meet the Department 17th January 2018
Dr Robin Preece teaches the third year Power Systems Analysis unit and the fourth year Analysis of Electrical Power and Energy unit for the Electrical and Electronic Engineering course. Get to know him here.