Meet our alumni – Nicholas
Making it count 19th February 2021
Nicolas Brusby is from Doncaster and graduated five years ago in 2016 after studying both the Maths BSc MSc here in Manchester. Nicolas has gone on to have a successful career with Rolls Royce after completing their graduate scheme.
Hi Nicolas, thank you so much for giving up your time for our blog – can you tell us about what you studied at the University of Manchester?
My undergraduate BSc studies were in Mathematics and my post graduate MSc was in Applied Mathematics.
What did you enjoy most about the course?
One of the main benefits of the undergraduate mathematics course offered by the university was the number of different modules and topics on offer, which provided flexibility in my studies. It allowed me to select courses which interested me, and also courses which I believed would benefit me the most in my career once I have secured employment for after university.
And the wider University?
As a whole the wider university provided many opportunities to take part in societies and events. Being a musician I was particularly impressed by the music department at the university and the variety of ensembles it had on offer.
What are your thoughts on Manchester as a city?
Manchester was an excellent place to live; I thoroughly enjoyed my time living there and was sad to be leaving once I had finished my course. It had something for everyone regardless of your personal interests.
Can you tell us a little about your career post-university, and the role you’re in now?
While I was studying for my BSc I completed a summer internship at Rolls-Royce Plc and I was fortunate enough to secure funding to complete an MSc through them as well as a place on their engineering graduate scheme. After completing the engineering graduate scheme I started a full time position in the company’s high energy impact modelling department where I am currently employed. As part of this role I frequently conduct FEA analysis and method development for conducting high energy impacts between different bodies, such as birds striking fan blades.
How did your time at The University of Manchester help with this?
My time at Manchester provided me with an excellent university background which I frequently pull on in my current role. In addition to this the support network, careers events, and extracurricular activities provided by the university all helped me significantly and without them I would have found obtain a job post university much more difficult.
What would you say to people considering coming to The University of Manchester to study?
I would 100% recommend studying at the university to them. Not only does the university have excellent academic standing providing a world class education, but it also has excellent opportunities away from study to both relax and develop.
alumnibrusbybsccareerscompanyemployabilityexperiencefea analysisgraduategraduate schemeindustryjobslogicManchestermathematicsmathsmethod developmentMScnicolasrolls roycestudyinguniversity