Tuff Titans, Go!
Student experience 15th October 2019
Join geochemists Megan and Connie, and geologists Ena and Dan on their mapping mission in North Wales. The second year undergraduate students spent six summer weeks in the field conducting their independent mapping projects, and happily for us they have composed both a detailed blog and an extremely entertaining vlog.

Read the Manchester geo mapping blog for a true tale of teamwork, traumas and tuffs: https://mcrgeomappingblog.wordpress.com/
Watch the vlog on the Earth and Environmental Sciences YouTube Channel, or below:
axial tracesbeddingCapel Curigcleavagescolouringdraft contactsDyffryn tuffflow structuresGarth tuffgeochemical evolutiongeochemistryGeologygrain sizemappingmidgesminor foldsMount SnowdonNorth WalesquartzRacks tuffraintuffs
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