Alumni 28th May 2021
Ella Podmore studied for a MEng in Materials Science and Engineering at Manchester and now works for McLaren. She recently won the Young Woman Engineer of the Year award by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). Hi Ella, it’s lovely to catch up with you again! Tell our readers a bit about you. I’m […]
Fashion 3rd March 2021
Amy Hardy, final year Fashion Marketing student tells us all about her experience working at Boohoo during her placement. From landing the internship, to working with different departments and her experience working during the COVID-19 pandemic. Before I got my internship I became aware of internships in my first year of university and knew it […]
Alumni 1st March 2021
We caught up with Ben Hun who graduated from the MEng Materials Science & Engineering (with Foundation Year) in 2019 and is now working as a Graduate Engineer at WMG, an innovative academic science and engineering department at The University of Warwick. Hi Ben, thanks for joining us on the Materials Blog! Congratulations on securing […]
Materials World 1st November 2017
The Made In Manchester Careers Fair took place in October and dozens of fashion, textiles and materials science employers came along to meet students from the School of Materials. One thing they were all agreed upon – there’s something that makes University of Manchester students stand out from the crowd. Rich heritage Adam Getty, Sales […]
Materials World 28th October 2015
If you can cast your mind back as far as July, you might remember that I interviewed recent graduate Amy Nicholson for part 4 of the #MondayMaterials series. Well she recently got in touch to let me know that she’d had some exciting news. I thought you might like to hear about it too, so here she is: “The […]
Meet the Department 20th July 2015
This week the #MondayMaterials series takes a bit of a departure. So far, we’ve been meeting with the School’s researchers, learning about their current projects and how they got to where they are today. This week, and just a few days after the School of Materials graduation ceremony, we meet up with Amy Nicholson – someone […]