
#MondayMaterials Episode 9 – Dr Joao Quinta da Fonseca
Meet the Department 28th September 2015
Dr Joao Quinta da Fonseca first came to my attention when I edited an article about his research for the School of Materials website. While I had to Google terms like ‘deformation at the nanoscale’ and ‘polycrystalline plasticity of austenitic stainless steel’, I found the basic ideas of his work to be both intriguing and […]

#MondayMaterials Episode 7 – Professor Sarah Cartmell
Meet the Department 31st August 2015
#MondayMaterials has been going fantastically so far, with a range of fascinating interviewees discussing subjects which have shown just how broad and exciting the work happening in the School of Materials can be. And there’s no change this week, in that respect. Episode 7 has been particularly interesting for me, though, because it’s the first […]

National Women in Engineering Day
Welcome to Materials 9th July 2015
On June 23rd, or National Women in Engineering Day to those in the know, I attended a Women in Materials event, co-hosted by the School of Materials and The Institute of Materials, Minerals, and Mining (IOM3). Grace Burke opened proceedings, discussing her career so far and the decisions that have led to her role as Director […]