University of Manchester

#MondayMaterials Episode 6 – Dr Gianpaolo Vignali
Meet the Department 17th August 2015
Gianpaolo Vignali was one of the first academics I met when I started working for the School of Materials. Just a few days into my job I was sitting in his office and discussing the intricacies of the Fashion SOC, a web app he is creating with his colleagues. So early in my time here, I didn’t […]

DFB Degree Show – student interviews
Welcome to Materials 6th August 2015
So, who remembers one of my earliest posts on the blog? The one where I went along to the Design, Fashion, and Business degree show and talked to a few of the students about their final year projects? Well we had a fair few questions for them on the day, and over the last week […]

#MondayMaterials Episode 5 – Rhys Archer
Meet the Department 3rd August 2015
It’s that time again! We’re already on Episode 5 of #MondayMaterials! This week we chat to Rhys Archer, a PhD student who has been here with the School of Materials ever since the day she started her undergrad! Rhys first came to my attention on Twitter (@PhDArcher) where I saw her talking about the outreach work […]

National Women in Engineering Day
Welcome to Materials 9th July 2015
On June 23rd, or National Women in Engineering Day to those in the know, I attended a Women in Materials event, co-hosted by the School of Materials and The Institute of Materials, Minerals, and Mining (IOM3). Grace Burke opened proceedings, discussing her career so far and the decisions that have led to her role as Director […]

At the Open Days
Welcome to Materials 25th June 2015
Part of the reason we attended the Open Day was to encourage interaction with our #BetterWorld campaign. If you aren’t already aware, the School of Materials is part of the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences. Within the Faculty we cover subjects ranging from materials to chemical engineering, via physics, maths, chemistry, civil engineering, and […]

#MondayMaterials Episode 2 – Sophie Miell
Meet the Department 22nd June 2015
Hey everyone – thanks for coming back for more from #MondayMaterials! The interview with Aravind seemed to go down a storm two weeks ago, so I’d like to thank him again for his input. What a cracking start to the series. From talking graphene with a senior lecturer, we now move to discussions of garment fit […]

#MondayMaterials Episode 1 – Dr Aravind Vijayaraghavan
Meet the Department 8th June 2015
Hello everyone, and welcome to the first episode of #MondayMaterials. Once a fortnight, on a Monday (obviously), I’ll be chatting with one of the many people that make the School of Materials such a great place to be. It might be a professor, a researcher, a student, an alumnus, or a member of the admin […]

At the Design, Fashion, and Business Degree Show
Welcome to Materials 29th May 2015
I was here for the Design, Fashion, and Business Degree show. What I found within these walls was a vibrant and informative event, filled with interesting people who were well and truly excited by the projects they’d put together here in the School of Materials. What I also found was a group of people who […]