Meet the Department 20th February 2019
“My industrial background has given me a very pragmatic and realistic approach to research,” says Anton Kiss. Find out more about him here.
Meet the Department 13th February 2019
Heinrich Badenhorst helps us get to grips with carbon – and explains why Jurassic Park is his favourite movie.
Research and impact 14th January 2019
The catalysis Hub is a UK wide research centre involving over 40 universities and over 200 academics, undertaking joint research in all areas of catalysis; stretching from fundamentals, to applications and engineering solutions. In addition, the interaction with industry is of real importance.
Meet the Department 13th December 2018
James Winterburn tells us what sparked his interest in industrial biotechnology and fermentation processes.
Meet the Department 26th November 2018
Arthur Garforth explains what inspired him to become a chemical engineer.
Chemical engineers at work 6th November 2018
Eugene Khor looks back at his industrial placement at Valero Energy – the world’s largest independent oil refiner.
Meet the Department 30th August 2018
Our heterogeneous catalysis research is based on sold materials, either in a gaseous environment or a liquid environment. And these are used for emission control, for example in a car exhaust. Or to make fine chemicals or to make clean, sustainable energy.
Meet the Department 24th February 2017
And on top of that there’s the MECD project, where we’re bringing the engineering schools together. It’s really quite an exciting period in the development of the University and I’m really looking forward to being involved and working in that building.
Meet the Department 27th January 2017
It’s a place of global interest, it attracts the best people from all over the world, and that’s the first thing you need to drive your research forward. So, it’s very important.
Meet the Department 21st December 2016
Well nowadays consumers are more aware of the sustainability impacts of their activities, what we call the environmental footprint. So through my research I’m contributing towards making our consumption habits more sustainable. And also, informing the public how small changes can make a big impact, a big difference, to the whole environment.