School of Materials
Meet the Department 23rd November 2015
I was only about a month into my role here when I first met Dr Patsy Perry at the Design, Fashion, and Business Degree show. She was introduced to me as someone I should definitely talk to about my plan’s for the School’s digital media, someone who would have a very useful insight, and someone who, on […]
Meet the Department 12th October 2015
So today the #MondayMaterials series hits double figures. What better place to do that than with Rachel Parker-Strak, a lecturer and part time PhD student in the Design, Fashion, and Business area of the School. I first met Rachel while attending one of the School’s Discover Days. These sessions offer A-level students the opportunity to […]
Welcome to Materials 7th October 2015
Hello all – and thanks for coming back to the blog (or for coming for the first time, if that’s the case!). The audience has been growing recently, and I’m really grateful to everyone who has taken the time to read the blog posts. Those of you who have been coming back for a while might remember […]
Materials World 5th October 2015
My first month in Amsterdam is coming to an end and it’s been quite an adventure already. Arriving at the PVH offices at the beginning of September I was given a tour of the company’s collection of buildings located on the Stadhouderskade canal, right in the middle of the hustle and bustle of central Amsterdam. […]
Meet the Department 28th September 2015
Dr Joao Quinta da Fonseca first came to my attention when I edited an article about his research for the School of Materials website. While I had to Google terms like ‘deformation at the nanoscale’ and ‘polycrystalline plasticity of austenitic stainless steel’, I found the basic ideas of his work to be both intriguing and […]
Meet the Department 14th September 2015
It’s #MondayMaterials time again, and today we’re chatting with Dr Delia Vazquez. If you’re particularly eagle-eyed and have the memory of an elephant, you might remember Delia’s name from one of our very earliest episodes. She is the PhD supervisor of Sophie Miell, our second interviewee. What made Delia’s interview all the more exciting for […]
Meet the Department 31st August 2015
#MondayMaterials has been going fantastically so far, with a range of fascinating interviewees discussing subjects which have shown just how broad and exciting the work happening in the School of Materials can be. And there’s no change this week, in that respect. Episode 7 has been particularly interesting for me, though, because it’s the first […]
Meet the Department 17th August 2015
Gianpaolo Vignali was one of the first academics I met when I started working for the School of Materials. Just a few days into my job I was sitting in his office and discussing the intricacies of the Fashion SOC, a web app he is creating with his colleagues. So early in my time here, I didn’t […]
Welcome to Materials 6th August 2015
So, who remembers one of my earliest posts on the blog? The one where I went along to the Design, Fashion, and Business degree show and talked to a few of the students about their final year projects? Well we had a fair few questions for them on the day, and over the last week […]
Meet the Department 3rd August 2015
It’s that time again! We’re already on Episode 5 of #MondayMaterials! This week we chat to Rhys Archer, a PhD student who has been here with the School of Materials ever since the day she started her undergrad! Rhys first came to my attention on Twitter (@PhDArcher) where I saw her talking about the outreach work […]