
Our Alumni in Amsterdam Part 4 – being a business analyst
Materials World 14th December 2016
Hi All, Since my last post it has been a very exciting period of time here at PVH Europe. During the summer it was announced that Raf Simons has joined Calvin Klein as our Chief Creative Officer, which marks the first time since Mr Klein himself that the brand will be led by one visionary. […]

DFB Degree Show 2016
Fashion 6th July 2016
It was the return of the Design, Fashion, and Business (DFB) Degree Show in May and I went along to enjoy the action. Taking place in Sackville Street Building’s stunning Great Hall, this one day event showcased the final year project work of DFB students from a range of degrees. Among the pounding music and […]

After Uni with Amy Nicholson (Part 2)
Alumni 22nd June 2016
Hi all. It’s now a whole year since I finished my degree in Fashion and Textile Retailing with the School of Materials and I have fond memories of the final stages of the course. The deadlines, the all-nighters, the excitement of the DFB Degree Show, and, eventually, the relief of the Materials Ball and knowing I had […]

Our Alumni in Amsterdam Part 3
Alumni 8th June 2016
It may be a while since we heard from her, but I’m sure you’ll all remember Charlotte Lowther, our alumni in Amsterdam. If not, you can check out her previous guest blog posts here and here. When I met Charlotte at the DFB Degree Show just over a year ago, she had recently bagged herself […]

#MondayMaterials Episode 23 – Dr Claudia Henninger
#MondayMaterials 6th June 2016
Welcome back, everybody! It’s been three weeks since the last #MondayMaterials. After that trip to the HMXIF, we paid a visit to the Design, Fashion, and Business research grouping to chat with Claudia Henninger. Here’s what she had to tell us: Hi Claudia. Thanks for chatting to us. Can you start by describing your research, […]

Triple Down at the Big Green Gathering
Fashion 6th April 2016
A few weeks back I was lucky enough to meet three inspiring students from the School of Materials. Alex, April, and Lindsey are fashion students in the School, and when I met them they were doing their bit to help out with a sustainability event being run by the Faculty. Between them, these three impressive undergrads have […]

#MondayMaterials Episode 18 – Rosy Boardman
#MondayMaterials 29th February 2016
It’s time for Episode 18 of #MondayMaterials, everybody! Thanks for joining us once again. We’re with Rosy Boardman today. Rosy recently finished her PhD here in the School of Materials and is working here as a Lecturer. But that wasn’t how I actually first heard of her. In fact, after interviewing the amazing Victoria Magrath […]

#MondayMaterials Episode 17 – Meera Dulabh
#MondayMaterials 15th February 2016
I first met Meera Dulabh when I was preparing to go down to an event at the Museum of Science and Industry in which she would be displaying her cutting edge work alongside some equally impressive collegaues. Unfortunately, I fell ill on that day so I missed out on the festivities and you guys missed out on […]

#MondayMaterials Episode 13 – Dr Patsy Perry
Meet the Department 23rd November 2015
I was only about a month into my role here when I first met Dr Patsy Perry at the Design, Fashion, and Business Degree show. She was introduced to me as someone I should definitely talk to about my plan’s for the School’s digital media, someone who would have a very useful insight, and someone who, on […]

After Uni with InTheFrow’s Victoria Magrath
Materials World 18th November 2015
Hello everyone. We have a pretty exciting treat for you all today! It’s an ‘After Uni’ post with none other than Victoria Magrath, the creator of InTheFrow. InTheFrow began as a blog and, in Victoria’s own words, ‘a hobby’. These days, with nearly 80,000 Twitter followers, 390,000 subscribers on YouTube, and 571,000 followers on Instagram, it […]