In the real world
Discover what our graduates and alumni are doing in the world of engineering after university, and how student placements and internships help with employability and build relationships with our industrial partners.

Bea Basa, Civil Engineering Graduate
In the real world 7th October 2021
We caught up with Bea Basa, who recently graduated on the MEng Civil Engineering course, to find out how she enjoyed her time at Manchester and what she has since gone onto do with her career. Hi Bea, thanks for joining us on the blog! Firstly, how did you come to decide upon studying Civil […]

International Women’s Day 2021: Natalie Parish
In the real world 5th March 2021
When most of us go to university to study our chosen subject, it is usually with a view to working in a related industry after we graduate. But Natalie Parish, a Technical Estates Co-Ordinator & Workshop Manager in the Department, decided this wasn’t for her. After studying English and working in publishing, she made the switch to engineering by enrolling in our Technical Apprenticeship programme.

Mechanical engineering alumna Alice
In the real world 3rd March 2021
Alice is a Mechanical Engineering graduate who now works at Schneider Electric as a Project Manager. Hear about what prepared Alice for her current career.

Meet Jennie: Civil engineering graduate at AECOM
In the real world 1st March 2021
Civil engineering graduate Jennie tells us about where her degree has taken her and what she would advise others interested in a career in civil engineering!

Project Management in action: rapid PPE testing during the Covid-19 crisis
In the real world 20th May 2020
Obuks Ejohwomu is a lecturer in Project Management here in MACE, and is also the Director of our MSc in Commercial Project Management. He was recently called upon to help Manchester City Council to coordinate and test thousands of pieces Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for key workers in the city.

3D printing: sustainable, quick and helping in the fight against Covid-19
In the real world 15th May 2020
We caught up with CNC technician Chris to hear more about why 3D printing is so important, and about how he has been involved in making PPE for NHS workers during the Covid-19 crisis.

Chris: a MACE graduate at Jaguar Land Rover
In the real world 15th January 2020
Find out how MACE graduate Christopher Platts secured a position with Jaguar Land Rover after finishing his BEng in Aerospace with Industrial Experience.

Civil Engineering field trip: Patterdale 2019
In the real world 29th October 2019
We caught up with Dr Mojgan Hadi Mosleh to hear more about the five day field trip in the Lake District which she coordinated for our Civil Engineering students to put their surveying skills into practice…

Making MECD: on-site with a MACE graduate
In the real world 16th September 2019
MECD, the new home for Science and Engineering at Manchester, is already providing opportunities for our graduates. Find out how one MACE graduate is helping shape the future of the Faculty.

MACE at Bluedot – an outreach odyssey
In the real world 16th September 2019
Bluedot Festival at Jodrell Bank is an increasingly popular event on the North-West’s cultural calendar. This year MACE expanded its presence at the science and music extravaganza…